Hello again.
Often I forget that I have this blogosphere to post upon.
Life has been going well, I believe. Not much has changed. The past summer was spent doing summer classes in order to finish the college career in 4 years. I took one class online (Literacy in the Content Area), which, to be honest - I don't know if it was a good idea or not. There were quite a few evenings of utter despair and feeling as though I've wasted and was wasting my time. So much busy work and I hardly remember the key points to the class.
Que Sera, Sera.
One of the other classes I took was Cinema and Culture, it was considered a "Capstone". I don't entirely understand the point of making students take a Capstone class - but it's over and done with. Some days were interesting, some days were the long. The worst part was that it sucked up my day from 10am-1pm or so - that's a long time to sit in a classroom.
The final class was Brass Pedagogy. As a trombonist, I wasn't too worried about concepts like buzzing and embouchure, as I've been fortunate enough to have been buzzing since I was in the 5th grade (11 years now!). The fingerings were tricky - but the class was valuable. I think it's the only class I had where I feel like I've learned applicable ideas for my future.
I'm sure everything will come around in the end, though, in regards to the other classes.
Then August rolled around and Nathan and I headed out to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. If anyone is going, PLEASE contact me - I can tell you so much about where to stay, what to take extra time for, etc. And I was only there for a week and some.
There are just a few photos at the top of the post- between the two of us, we took somewhere around 400-600 I believe.
Then came September. I'm back in school again. Things went well. I auditioned and made it into a slimmer, sleeker version of the Augustana Band - which was pretty darn exciting. So now I spend an average of 7-8 hours a week in rehearsals, sometimes less and sometimes more.
Here is October. I'm still learning from school. I'm still enjoying most everything. I've learned that I'm going to Baltic School District for my student teaching starting in February. Things are starting to come centerfold.
I'm going to try to blog more. I can feel my mind changing weekly (growing, I mean). I think it's important to track from where you've been to help you understand where you are and where you're going.
Peace out my fine friends